1. What would you like to be 5 years from now? (hopes, aspirations, wishes...)
- In five years time, I would like to be successful in any profession I might have. Wishing to earn a good monthly salary that is enough not only to suffice my 'needs' but also my 'wants'. But what I'm hoping the most, is to build my own business here in the country and abroad.
2. If you will be a full-pledged computer programmer 5 years from now, what program would you do? and why?
- A program that can solve the "halting problem" - "decides whether the program finishes running or continues to run, and will thereby run forever. This is equivalent to the problem of deciding, given a program and an input, whether the program will eventually halt when run with that input, or will run forever"-wikipedia.org. In that way, I would be the very first to solve that NP problem making me a famous computer programmer.(haha)
3. If you are a machine, what would you be and why?
- I would really love to be a computer so that I can fully understand how it really works. In that case, I would be able to know more about the computer's "do's" and "dont's".